Monday, March 2, 2020

2020 New Packaging Hamer Ginseng & Coffee Candy

Hamer Ginseng & Coffee New Packaging

Hamer Ginseng & Coffee New Packaging

Hamer Ginseng & Coffee New Packaging


Hamer Candy is developed by Sino-USA Technology using excellent technology to perfectly combine the extraction of Cynomorium songaricum polysaccharide with hydrolyzed amino acieds to accomplish the best curative effect. The therapeutic effect of Cynomorium songaricum extracted from this advanced technology far exceeds those normal Cynomorium songaricum. Hamer Ginseng & Coffee Candy contains Cynomorium songaricum which is rich in 15 types of amino acids, triterpene sapogenin, natural glucocorticoid hormone, 23 types of trace elements and various types of antioxidant. Sufficient intale of amino acids will improve your body's function and maintain a healthy and happy life, Amino acid will be consumed during daily metabolism. Using supplement of amino acid from Hamer especially during exercise, will quickly make your body active and strong.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019


10yr Anniversary Hamer Ginseng Coffee Candy


Purchase Online:

10yr Anniversary Hamer Ginseng Coffee Candy


10yr Anniversary Hamer Ginseng Coffee Candy


高品质草本配方 - 男人的首选
Premium Grade Herbal Formula - Men Enhancement Station

Hamer Candy is rich in energy and has discrete property in promoting tissues energy. Hamer Power Herbal Candy is rich in saccharides especially fructose which represent more than 40% of the available carbohydrates in honey. Fructose readily diffuses adipose and skeletal muscle membranes whereby, it is easily catabolized to supply energy according to cell requirement.


  • 减轻压力
  • 增强体质和体能
  • 恢复精力
  • 增强身体基础健康
  • 肾脏调节
  • 抗老化
  • 抗氧化
  • 增强免疫力
  • 提高性欲
  • 实现男人雄风

  • Reduce stress
  • Strengthen physical fitness and ability
  • Restoring energy
  • Strengthen body foundation health
  • Kidney regulation
  • Anti aging
  • Anti oxidation
  • Increase libido
  • Achieve stronger erection
  • تقليل التوتر
  • تعزيز اللياقة البدنية واللياقة البدنية
  • استعادة الطاقة
  • تعزيز الصحة البدنية
  • تنظيم الكلى
  • مكافحة الشيخوخة
  • مضادات الأكسدة
  • تعزيز الحصانة
  • زيادة الرغبة الجنسية
  • تحقيق مجد الرجال

Main Ingredients:
المكونات الرئيسية

  • 东革阿里
  • 人参
  • 玛咖
  • 何首乌
  • 织金续断
  • 将黄茶
  • 阿拉善锁阳
  • 纯天然麦芽糖
  • Eurycoma Longifolia Radix
  • Panax Ginseng
  • Maca
  • Polygoni Multiflori Preparata
  • Himalayan Teasel Root
  • Turmeric Root Tuber
  • Songaria Cynomorium
  • Maltose

  • Eurycoma Longifolia Radix
  • باناكس الجينسنغ
  • كس
  • Polygoni Multiflori Preparata
  • الهيمالايا Tissel الجذر
  • سونغاريا سينوموريوم
  • الملتوز سكر الشعير


Individual packing 4gram/candies
4 غرام لكل سكر

كيف احفظ

Keep in dry place at room temperature
Keep away from direct sunlight
يحفظ في مكان جاف في درجة حرارة الغرفة
تجنب أشعة الشمس المباشرة إعادة

QUALITY GUARANTEED | 品质保证 | ضمان الجودة

We provide OEM/ODM/OBM services
نحن نقدم معالجة مستقلة ، تصميم مستقل وتخصيص العلامة التجارية المستقلة.

  • 可以拥有相同秘方并且使用自己的商标,重新设计属于您自己公司的新包装
  • 重新精心调制属于您的加强版或独特口味来迎合顾客群的要求
  • We provide private labeling services, print and design your logo and packaging
  • Custom made effectiveness formula and taste to suit your target customer
  • يمكنك الحصول على نفس الوصفة واستخدام العلامة التجارية الخاصة بك لإعادة تصميم العبوة الجديدة
  • صيغة مخصصة للفعالية ومذاق لتناسب العملاء المستهدفين


Create your own brand products now

ابدأ في بناء علامتك التجارية الآن

(whatapps, 手机短信,微信)

Please do not hesitate to drop me a reply email or contact me via phone 
(whatapps, sms, wechat)

من فضلك لا تتردد في مراسلتي عبر البريد الإلكتروني أو الاتصال بي عبر الهاتف
(whatapps, sms, wechat)

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Extra Power Ginseng Royal Honey For Him OEM Private Label Service

  • Eurycoma Longifolia : 0.1g
  • Panax Ginseng : 0.1g
  • Pure Honey : 9.8g
  • Tongkat Ali Roots 
    We choose roots of more than 10 years age to obtain a better concentrate. These roots penetrate deep into the soil for better nourishment. We employ the most recent techniques of differential solubility extraction and high performance liquid chromatography.
    Root extracts work rapidly by increasing the cyclic guanosine monophoshate level of penile corpus cavermosum but not the cyclic adnosine monophoshate level. This implies that Tongkat Ali specifically mediate nitric oxide cyclic GMP with increase in penile erection and strength without the side effects of unifunctional chemical drugs.
    Tongkat Ali roots are exceptionally potent in raising free testosterone and its active derivative to enhance the hypothalamus-pituitary-testis axis function. Thus our product provides the sexual desire via the central nervous system stimulation with increased sensitivity. Increased testosterone level will eventually lower prolactin levels with the preponderance of dopamine and its effects in enhancing sexual desire.
    Tongkat Ali promotes and support anabalic reactions by increasing basal metabolic rate with improvement in adrenal function and testosterone level, hence promoting body build us especially of bone and muscle.

    Panax Ginseng Roots
    Panax is derived from the Greek word "Panacea" which means healing. The roots are full of therapeutic and nutritious functions for healing and increased energy level. It is the most trusted ancient herbal energizer that has been used to treat lack of libido and fatigue. The active ingredients are ginsenosides. We use the extracts containing 8%. Ginsenosides support endurance and enhance activity.

    Pure Honey 
    This vital energetic nutrient collected from quality-controlled hives is our revered honey. It contains about 40% fructose, 26% glucose, 4.5% maltose and 1.5% sucrose. Such pure honey is recommended as a sugar substitute, especially because of its high content of quickly assimilated fructose. Fructose (40%) is a quick source of energy and does not need insulin to function. Our honey is a dietary antioxidant specially against oxidation of bad LDL cholesterol and fat. Our honey is a nutraceutical with antimicrobial activity.

Each box contain2 sachets / 10 grams each.

How to use:
Usage for Women
  • Add half a sachets (5 g) to a glass of cold or hot water (200 ml) very 5 days once after lunch or dinner.
  • Keep the other half in the fridge till the following dosage.

Usage for men
  • Add one sachet (10 g) to one glass of cold water (200 ml), and consume every 5 days once, after lunch or dinner.
  • The contents of the sachet may be administered every 5 days once without being added to water.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Extra Power Ginseng Booster Energy Candy Your Life Choice 猛男人参保健能量糖(Men's secret , Hamer Candy, Best Candy, Akiyo Candy, Mentalk, Horse Power, King Taurus, Royal Candy, Elephant Power)

Extra Power Ginseng Booster Male Enhancement Energy Candy 

猛男人参保健东革阿里咖啡糖王 (男人加油站)

猛男人参保健能量咖啡糖外观设计 1
Ginseng Booster Men Enhancement Energy Candy Packaging Design 1
猛男人参保健能量咖啡糖外观设计 2
Extra Power Ginseng Booster Men Enhancement Energy Candy Packaging Design 2

高品质草本配方 - 男人的首选
Premium Grade Herbal Formula - Men Enhancement Station

Extra Power Ginseng Booster Energy Herbal Candy is rich in energy and has discrete property in promoting tissues energy. Ginseng Booster energy Herbal Candy is rich in saccharides especially fructose which represent more than 40% of the available carbohydrates in honey. Fructose readily diffuses adipose and skeletal muscle membranes whereby, it is easily catabolized to supply energy according to cell requirement.


  • 减轻压力
  • 增强体质和体能
  • 恢复精力
  • 增强身体基础健康
  • 肾脏调节
  • 抗老化
  • 抗氧化
  • 增强免疫力
  • 提高性欲
  • 实现男人雄风

  • Reduce stress
  • Strengthen physical fitness and ability
  • Restoring energy
  • Strengthen body foundation health
  • Kidney regulation
  • Anti aging
  • Anti oxidation
  • Increase libido
  • Achieve stronger erection
  • تقليل التوتر
  • تعزيز اللياقة البدنية واللياقة البدنية
  • استعادة الطاقة
  • تعزيز الصحة البدنية
  • تنظيم الكلى
  • مكافحة الشيخوخة
  • مضادات الأكسدة
  • تعزيز الحصانة
  • زيادة الرغبة الجنسية
  • تحقيق مجد الرجال

Main Ingredients:
المكونات الرئيسية

  • 东革阿里
  • 人参
  • 玛咖
  • 何首乌
  • 织金续断
  • 将黄茶
  • 阿拉善锁阳
  • 纯天然麦芽糖
  • Eurycoma Longifolia Radix
  • Panax Ginseng
  • Maca
  • Polygoni Multiflori Preparata
  • Himalayan Teasel Root
  • Turmeric Root Tuber
  • Songaria Cynomorium
  • Maltose

  • Eurycoma Longifolia Radix
  • باناكس الجينسنغ
  • كس
  • Polygoni Multiflori Preparata
  • الهيمالايا Tissel الجذر
  • سونغاريا سينوموريوم
  • الملتوز سكر الشعير


Individual packing 4gram/candies
4 غرام لكل سكر

كيف احفظ

Keep in dry place at room temperature
Keep away from direct sunlight
يحفظ في مكان جاف في درجة حرارة الغرفة
تجنب أشعة الشمس المباشرة إعادة

QUALITY GUARANTEED | 品质保证 | ضمان الجودة

We provide OEM/ODM/OBM services
نحن نقدم معالجة مستقلة ، تصميم مستقل وتخصيص العلامة التجارية المستقلة.

  • 可以拥有相同秘方并且使用自己的商标,重新设计属于您自己公司的新包装
  • 重新精心调制属于您的加强版或独特口味来迎合顾客群的要求
  • We provide private labeling services, print and design your logo and packaging
  • Custom made effectiveness formula and taste to suit your target customer
  • يمكنك الحصول على نفس الوصفة واستخدام العلامة التجارية الخاصة بك لإعادة تصميم العبوة الجديدة
  • صيغة مخصصة للفعالية ومذاق لتناسب العملاء المستهدفين


Create your own brand products now

ابدأ في بناء علامتك التجارية الآن

(whatapps, 手机短信,微信)

Please do not hesitate to drop me a reply email or contact me via phone 
(whatapps, sms, wechat)

من فضلك لا تتردد في مراسلتي عبر البريد الإلكتروني أو الاتصال بي عبر الهاتف
(whatapps, sms, wechat)

Extra Power Ginseng Coffee - Your Life Choice 象皇男性草药保健东革阿里胶囊(Men's secret , Hamer Candy, Best Candy, Akiyo Candy, Mentalk, Horse Power, King Taurus, Royal Candy, Elephant Power)

Extra Power Male Enhancement Ginseng Coffee

 超能男性保健人参咖啡 (男人加油站)

超能男性人参保健咖啡外观设计 2
Extra Power Men Enhancement Ginseng Coffee Packaging Design 2

高品质草本配方 - 男人的首选
Premium Grade Herbal Formula - Men Enhancement Station

Extra Power Ginseng Coffee is rich in energy and has discrete property in promoting tissues energy. Elephant Power Herbal Capsule is rich in saccharides especially fructose which represent more than 40% of the available carbohydrates in honey. Fructose readily diffuses adipose and skeletal muscle membranes whereby, it is easily catabolized to supply energy according to cell requirement.


  • 减轻压力
  • 增强体质和体能
  • 恢复精力
  • 增强身体基础健康
  • 肾脏调节
  • 抗老化
  • 抗氧化
  • 增强免疫力
  • 提高性欲
  • 实现男人雄风

  • Reduce stress
  • Strengthen physical fitness and ability
  • Restoring energy
  • Strengthen body foundation health
  • Kidney regulation
  • Anti aging
  • Anti oxidation
  • Increase libido
  • Achieve stronger erection
  • تقليل التوتر
  • تعزيز اللياقة البدنية واللياقة البدنية
  • استعادة الطاقة
  • تعزيز الصحة البدنية
  • تنظيم الكلى
  • مكافحة الشيخوخة
  • مضادات الأكسدة
  • تعزيز الحصانة
  • زيادة الرغبة الجنسية
  • تحقيق مجد الرجال

Main Ingredients:
المكونات الرئيسية

  • 东革阿里
  • 人参
  • 玛咖
  • 何首乌
  • 织金续断
  • 将黄茶
  • 阿拉善锁阳
  • 纯天然麦芽糖
  • Eurycoma Longifolia Radix
  • Panax Ginseng
  • Maca
  • Polygoni Multiflori Preparata
  • Himalayan Teasel Root
  • Turmeric Root Tuber
  • Songaria Cynomorium
  • Maltose

  • Eurycoma Longifolia Radix
  • باناكس الجينسنغ
  • كس
  • Polygoni Multiflori Preparata
  • الهيمالايا Tissel الجذر
  • سونغاريا سينوموريوم
  • الملتوز سكر الشعير


مربع واحد من 6

كيف احفظ

Keep in dry place at room temperature
Keep away from direct sunlight
يحفظ في مكان جاف في درجة حرارة الغرفة
تجنب أشعة الشمس المباشرة إعادة

QUALITY GUARANTEED | 品质保证 | ضمان الجودة

We provide OEM/ODM/OBM services
نحن نقدم معالجة مستقلة ، تصميم مستقل وتخصيص العلامة التجارية المستقلة.

  • 可以拥有相同秘方并且使用自己的商标,重新设计属于您自己公司的新包装
  • 重新精心调制属于您的加强版或独特口味来迎合顾客群的要求
  • We provide private labeling services, print and design your logo and packaging
  • Custom made effectiveness formula and taste to suit your target customer
  • يمكنك الحصول على نفس الوصفة واستخدام العلامة التجارية الخاصة بك لإعادة تصميم العبوة الجديدة
  • صيغة مخصصة للفعالية ومذاق لتناسب العملاء المستهدفين


Create your own brand products now

ابدأ في بناء علامتك التجارية الآن

(whatapps, 手机短信,微信)

Please do not hesitate to drop me a reply email or contact me via phone 
(whatapps, sms, wechat)

من فضلك لا تتردد في مراسلتي عبر البريد الإلكتروني أو الاتصال بي عبر الهاتف
(whatapps, sms, wechat)

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Natural Energy Herbal Coffee - Your Life Choice 东革阿里人参草本保健精力咖啡(Men's secret , Hamer Candy, Best Candy, Akiyo Candy, Mentalk, Horse Power, King Taurus, Royal Candy, Elephant Power)

东革阿里草本保健精力咖啡外观设计 2
Tongkat Ali Men Enhancement Coffee Packaging Design 2
高品质草本配方 - 男人的首选
Premium Grade Herbal Formula - Men Enhancement Station
Tongkat Ali Herbal Energy Coffee is rich in energy and has discrete property in promoting tissues energy. Ginseng Booster Power Herbal Coffee is rich in saccharides especially fructose which represent more than 40% of the available carbohydrates in honey. Fructose readily diffuses adipose and skeletal muscle membranes whereby, it is easily catabolized to supply energy according to cell requirement.


  • 减轻压力
  • 增强体质和体能
  • 恢复精力
  • 增强身体基础健康
  • 肾脏调节
  • 抗老化
  • 抗氧化
  • 增强免疫力
  • 提高性欲
  • 实现男人雄风

  • Reduce stress
  • Strengthen physical fitness and ability
  • Restoring energy
  • Strengthen body foundation health
  • Kidney regulation
  • Anti aging
  • Anti oxidation
  • Increase libido
  • Achieve stronger erection
  • تقليل التوتر
  • تعزيز اللياقة البدنية واللياقة البدنية
  • استعادة الطاقة
  • تعزيز الصحة البدنية
  • تنظيم الكلى
  • مكافحة الشيخوخة
  • مضادات الأكسدة
  • تعزيز الحصانة
  • زيادة الرغبة الجنسية
  • تحقيق مجد الرجال

Main Ingredients:
المكونات الرئيسية

  • 东革阿里
  • 人参
  • 玛咖
  • 何首乌
  • 织金续断
  • 将黄茶
  • 阿拉善锁阳
  • 纯天然麦芽糖
  • Eurycoma Longifolia Radix
  • Panax Ginseng
  • Maca
  • Polygoni Multiflori Preparata
  • Himalayan Teasel Root
  • Turmeric Root Tuber
  • Songaria Cynomorium
  • Maltose

  • Eurycoma Longifolia Radix
  • باناكس الجينسنغ
  • كس
  • Polygoni Multiflori Preparata
  • الهيمالايا Tissel الجذر
  • سونغاريا سينوموريوم
  • الملتوز سكر الشعير


1 boxes x 6 sachet x 20 gram
1 مربعات × 6 كيس × 20 غرامًا

كيف احفظ

Keep in dry place at room temperature
Keep away from direct sunlight
يحفظ في مكان جاف في درجة حرارة الغرفة
تجنب أشعة الشمس المباشرة إعادة

QUALITY GUARANTEED | 品质保证 | ضمان الجودة

We provide OEM/ODM/OBM services
نحن نقدم معالجة مستقلة ، تصميم مستقل وتخصيص العلامة التجارية المستقلة.

  • 可以拥有相同秘方并且使用自己的商标,重新设计属于您自己公司的新包装
  • 重新精心调制属于您的加强版或独特口味来迎合顾客群的要求
  • We provide private labeling services, print and design your logo and packaging
  • Custom made effectiveness formula and taste to suit your target customer
  • يمكنك الحصول على نفس الوصفة واستخدام العلامة التجارية الخاصة بك لإعادة تصميم العبوة الجديدة
  • صيغة مخصصة للفعالية ومذاق لتناسب العملاء المستهدفين


Create your own brand products now

ابدأ في بناء علامتك التجارية الآن

(whatapps, 手机短信,微信)

Please do not hesitate to drop me a reply email or contact me via phone 
(whatapps, sms, wechat)

من فضلك لا تتردد في مراسلتي عبر البريد الإلكتروني أو الاتصال بي عبر الهاتف
(whatapps, sms, wechat)

Monday, May 6, 2019

Porn can affect your sexual appetite?

Experts do say, however, that watching pornography can influence a man’s sexual appetite. This may make it difficult for them to achieve an erection and have an orgasm with a sexual partner.

Nikki Martinez, PsyD, LCPC, says modern access to a wide array of adult material can make it difficult for a man to become aroused with their partner or to participate in sexual activities as they always have.

“They have unleashed their true desires and proclivities, and now they struggle to become aroused when this is not involved,” she says. “The other partner feels rejected, and as if they are not attractive, and the first partner is most often too embarrassed to tell them what is really going on.”


Hamer Candy is developed by Sino-USA Technology using excellent technology to perfectly combine the extraction of Cynomorium songaricum polysaccharide with hydrolyzed amino acieds to accomplish the best curative effect. The therapeutic effect of Cynomorium songaricum extracted from this advanced technology far exceeds those normal Cynomorium songaricum. Hamer Ginseng & Coffee Candy contains Cynomorium songaricum which is rich in 15 types of amino acids, triterpene sapogenin, natural glucocorticoid hormone, 23 types of trace elements and various types of antioxidant. Sufficient intale of amino acids will improve your body's function and maintain a healthy and happy life, Amino acid will be consumed during daily metabolism. Using supplement of amino acid from Hamer especially during exercise, will quickly make your body active and strong.
Ginseng has beneficial antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
Some test-tube studies have shown that ginseng extracts and ginsenoside compounds could inhibit inflammation and increase antioxidant capacity in cells.
For example, one test-tube study found that Korean red ginseng extract reduced inflammation and improved antioxidant activity is skin cells from people with eczema.
The results are promising in humans, as well.
One study investigated the effects of having 18 young male athletes take 2 grams of Korean red ginseng extract three times per day for seven days.
The men then had levels of certain inflammatory markers tested after performing an exercise test. These levels were significantly lower than in the placebo group, lasting for up to 72 hours after testing.
However, it should be noted that the placebo group got a different medicinal herb, so these results should be taken with a grain of salt and more studies are needed.
Lastly, a larger study followed 71 postmenopausal women who took 3 grams of red ginseng or a placebo daily for 12 weeks. Antioxidant activity and oxidative stress markers were then measured.
Researchers concluded that red ginseng may help reduce oxidative stress by increasing antioxidant enzyme activities